Sunday, August 16, 2020

keratosis pilaris

 keratosis pilaris
او مايعرف بمرض جلد الوزه 

skin condition in which skin appears rough feeling bumps ,red or brown in color its commonly appear in upper arms buttocks ,cheeks ,thighs increasing in winter 
its not contagious disease and under control with caring of it 
dead skin cells plugging hair follicles causing inflammation hinder natural growing of hair 
or it may be genetic skin condition that naturally clear up when reaching 30 years old
of logic in regimen of treatment we want to moisturize and removing of dead skin that plug hair follicle causing these problems.
Avene _akerat cream
إضافة شرح
this amazing cream from avene  company that act as moisturizer and peeling of rough skin and decreasing inflammation 
used two times per week once washing infected area and drying put gentle amount of cream notice difference in treatment
Available in all pharmacies 
we have more positive reviews about this cream and efficacy of it 
two important composition that have the therapeutic action is lactic acid and urea that have the major role in hydration and keratolysis
for more information follow /


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