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Monday, September 7, 2020





one of most famous hormonal drugs in pharmacy but taken by the doctor for the correct cases and correct doses for detected period of time , we will know about uses , side effects of that drug

active ingredients 

estradiol (like estrogen hormone)الحبايه البنى
levonorgestrel(like progesteron hormone)الحبايه البيضاء


  1.  in case of irregular periods ( late ) accompanied by painful symptoms (الدوره لما تتاخر للمتزوجين البنات بتعمل مشاكل نفسيه بتاثر على عملية التبويض وتاخر الحمل)
  2. for planing to pregnancy due to stimulation of ovulation(يساعد على الحمل بيحسن التبويض ويزود كفاءة المبيض)
  3. prevent osteoporosis for post_menopausal women above 50 years old(يقلل خطر الاصابه بهشاشة العظام وذلك نتيجة نقص هرمون الاستروجين )

side effects 

  1. abdominal pain(الم فى البطن والصدر)
  2. sudden headache(صداع مفاجىء)
  3. skin rash(احمرار او طفح جلدى)
  4. weight change(تغييرات فى الوزن )
  5. vomiting (قىء)
  6. nausea(احساس بدوخه)
  7. difficult breathing(صعوبه فى التنفس )


  1. hypersensitivity to components(اى واحده عنده حساسيه من مكونات الدواء)
  2. history of thrombosis(لو واحده بتجيله جلطات مينفعش لانه بيزودها)
  3. hypertension(عندها ضغط)
  4. diabetes(عندها سكر)
  5. pregnancy , lactating(منعا لتشوه الجنين مينفعش يسخدم اثناء الحمل او الرضاعه)
  6. liver or kidney disorders(اى مرض او ضعف فى وظايف الكلى او الكبد)
  7. high level of cholesterol (لو الكوليسترول عالى فى الدم لايستخدم)


taken under direction of Doctor

but for information(للعلم بالشىء)

القرص الابيض يحتوى على الاستراديول شبيه الاستروجين وده اللى بينشط المبيض 

القرص البنى يحتوى على ليفونورجيسريل شبيه البروجستيرون وده اللى بيهيا الرحم للحمل 

بيتاخد قرص يوميا من تانى يوم للدوره لحد 21 يوم وياخد راحه اسبوع ويبدا علبه جديده خلال الاسبوع ده الدوره تنزل وبكده يكون ظبط هرمونات الدوره وطبعا ليه استخدامات تانى حسب الحاله والتشخيص 



For more click


Wednesday, September 2, 2020





 this drug not insulin but gastrointestinal hormones that increase insulin release and decrease glucagon release called glucagon like peptide hormone (GLP -1 agonist)

mechanism of action

dulaglutide act agonist on GLP-1 receptor on beta cells of pancreas increase intracellular cyclic AMP which 
  1. stimulate glucose dependent insulin release 
  2. decrease glucagon release 
  3. delay gastric emptying  

side effects

  1. nausea 
  2. vomiting 
  3. diarrhea


risk factor 

trulicity should  be prescribed by the doctor and before treatment  to avoid thyroid medullary carcinoma , the patient should check ;

  1. serum calcitonin 
  2. thyroid ultrasound monitoring 


    taken subcutaneous once weekly for diabetes type 2

    off label uses(OBESITY)

     other component like dulaglutide such as liraglutide (victoza, saxenda) for obesity take 0.6mg once weekly , first ( to decrease gastrointestinal side effect )then increase dose to 1.2 mg once in the second week ,then increase dose to 3mg once in the third week this is the target dose for obesity

    for more click


Saturday, August 22, 2020




common medical condition in our society in male and female


 prolactin hormone responsible for milk secretion and inhibit ovulation

increasing secretion of prolactin hormone from pituitary gland 
in male ,causing gynecomastia ,impotence ,decrease libido
in female , causing amenorrhea ,galactorrhea
as known that lactation considered contraceptive due to prolactin hormone inhibit ovulation


in these cases we suppress release of prolactin hormone by several drugs but common in pharmacies a drug Cabergoline 
Cabergoline is a Dopamine receptor agonist act on D2-receptor ,which increase dopamine level which directly inhibit prolactin hormone


inhibit lactation from the first day after delivery : take 1 mg as (two tablet) on the first day
stop lactation after breast feeding : take 0.25 mg (1/2 tablet every 12 hours for two days)
reduce prolactin in other condition : take 0.5 mg over a week like (1/2 tablet every 3 day for one week so total one tablet only )





for more information click here   

Friday, August 21, 2020

diabetic foot

diabetic foot

Never worry about Diabetic foot

in our center we find a complete care and diagnosis about diabetic foot 
through, a team of professional Doctors
all you required from care will find with a suitable fees
Now For early control .............Call to Action   

Monday, August 17, 2020

Rotarix vaccine

Rotarix vaccine

Rotarix vaccine

live attenuated vaccine that must used for infants during interval between 6weeks to 24 weeks of age


protection from rota virus that cause rota virus gastroenteritis cause diarrhea in infants


Pre_filled syringe taken orally in the age 6weeks as single dose and the second dose after 4 month interval should be completed at 24 month of age

for more click


Sunday, August 16, 2020

keratosis pilaris

 keratosis pilaris
او مايعرف بمرض جلد الوزه 

skin condition in which skin appears rough feeling bumps ,red or brown in color its commonly appear in upper arms buttocks ,cheeks ,thighs increasing in winter 
its not contagious disease and under control with caring of it 
dead skin cells plugging hair follicles causing inflammation hinder natural growing of hair 
or it may be genetic skin condition that naturally clear up when reaching 30 years old
of logic in regimen of treatment we want to moisturize and removing of dead skin that plug hair follicle causing these problems.
Avene _akerat cream
إضافة شرح
this amazing cream from avene  company that act as moisturizer and peeling of rough skin and decreasing inflammation 
used two times per week once washing infected area and drying put gentle amount of cream notice difference in treatment
Available in all pharmacies 
we have more positive reviews about this cream and efficacy of it 
two important composition that have the therapeutic action is lactic acid and urea that have the major role in hydration and keratolysis
for more information follow /

Wednesday, July 29, 2020




is a ghost disease that kills thousand of people all over the world

threat millions of people

please ,stay home maintain social spacing


keep yourself ,your family ,your friends

away from intensive care


  BE CAREFUL CORONA Virus is a killer